Disneyland is unique lines is part 2 of the series as to why Disneyland is unique? There are so many fun and unique qualities regarding Disneyland, however, today I am going to share with you about the lines. In case you missed part one of Why Disneyland is Unique, you can find it here.
Why Disneyland is Unique-Lines
For part two of the Why, Disneyland is Unique series, I want to talk about the lines for the attractions. Sometimes the lines can be very long at peak vacation times or if an attraction is new. However, with Disneyland, they have designed most of their attractions to be entertaining while you wait. To help pass the time, by having different things to look at, interact with, or look for. The lines are an experience all by themselves!
First Line Experience
The first line experience that I want to discuss is having something to look at. Most of the attractions have something for you to look at while you are waiting. One example of this is in Pirates of the Caribbean. It has pirates painted on the walls inside of the building. Captain Jack Sparrow included! Plus, you can watch the boats come by. There is even an island with a treasure map to see. Make sure that when you get inside of the building to look down. The floor is so sparkly! Or, should I say, shiny! (If you have seen Moana, you will understand.)

The Haunted Mansion is another example. Out front, they have pet tombstones that are filled with humorous sayings. One of them has a pig sculpture on top and it says “ROSIE She was a poor little pig but she bought the farm 1849.” If the line is long enough they have a wall of sayings using a play on letters. Such as M.T.TOMB, I.L. BE BACK, and I TRUDY DEPARTED.
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One year I took a friend to Disneyland for their first visit. It was in 2008 when the recession hit and there were major fires down by the park. Needless to say, the park was not busy. I was actually a little grumpy that there were no lines! I wanted my friend to be able to experience the lines. We would pause a second, but it just wasn’t the same. Now, I wish the parks could be that empty again!
Second Line Experience
The second type of line experience is having something to interact with. Some of the newer attractions have some things that you can do to interact with, to cause something to happen. One example of this is inside the line for Indiana Jones. There is a part where archaeologists are excavating artifacts. You come up to a rope that leads down into a pit of sorts. A sign next to the rope says “Caution Do not pull rope! Handling fragile artifacts.”
We all know what we must do right? You have to tug pretty hard to hear what happens next. For those who haven’t been there yet, I will leave it here so you can experience it first hand.

Another example of interacting is in Fantasyland at Snow White’s Scary Adventures. The wicked queen’s spellbook is out in front of the attraction. Above the book is a golden apple. Make sure you touch the top of the apple to hear the wicked queen cackle. It is a little thing but adds so much to your experience when you are in line.
Third Line Experience
The third Disneyland line experience is that some attractions have a little show, before the show. Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room is one attraction that has a show outside while you wait. It also doesn’t hurt that the DOLE pineapple stand is there too. Pineapple soft-serve ice cream (dairy-free). Not a bad way to pass the time.

Hidden Mickey’s
One last thing I want to mention here is Hidden Mickey’s. All over the Disneyland Resort and Hotels are what is called Hidden Mickey’s. Basically, it is the 3 circles shaped to look like Mickey. And they could be anywhere. In lines, on the ride, on the buildings, etc. Some are easier to spot than others.
If you are interested in finding out more about hidden Mickey’s, I did a more detailed post about it here.

In Conclusion
These are just some of the many examples of the lines at Disneyland. This is something you can not find at a fair. You can find it at some amusement parks now. The other parks have taken notice that it adds to the visitor’s experience. Making their visit more enjoyable and fun! Why else would you go to Disneyland than to have fun?
Questions or Comments?
If you have any questions or comments about today’s post, please feel free to leave them below. I would love to help you out!
Thanks for stopping by Life in Mouse Years!
I just love reading about Disneyland the way you write and express your enthusiasm makes it such joyful reading. Love the part about finding the hidden Mickeys and how fun that would be! Sounds like it would make the time go quickly while standing in line or just relaxing at the hotel looking for these hidden Mickey’s. Keep on writing. Good stories and tips!
Thank you! I am glad that you are enjoying them. I hope this entices you to take a trip to Disneyland. 😉
Almost…….thinking about it more and more…… 😛