If you have ever been to a Disney theme park then you already know that the Disney parks are not like any other park. If you have never been to a Disney park, then I hope to share with you some reasons why the Disney parks are so different. They truly are different. Unique really, and nothing like a fair! Come see why in today’s post Why Disneyland is Unique Clean!
Why Disneyland is Unique Part 1-Clean
This will be part 1 of a series I think. Because of all the differences, I think it will be better to focus on one per post. Today will be on how clean the park is. Disneyland was unlike any other amusement park when it opened in 1955. Many people told Walt Disney that it would never work. I am so thankful he didn’t listen!
Brief History on Disneyland
When Walt Disney was thinking of building a land, Disneyland, his wife Lillian questioned him as to why he would want to build an amusement park. She said, “they’re so dirty and not fun at all for grown-ups.” Walt responded by saying “Mine isn’t going to be that way. Mine’s going to be a place that’s clean, where the whole family can do things together.”
Amusement parks back then were like the fair. Whip rides, Ferris wheels, etc. With all the people and the food, the place would be a mess afterward. Not just with food but also chewing gum. Have you ever stepped in gum before? It makes for a very sticky situation.
With Disneyland, you will not find any gum for sale inside of the park. This is because they do not want to find chewed up gum under the tables or on the ground. This doesn’t stop people from bringing it in the park, but, it does greatly reduce the amount.
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Custodians at Disneyland
Let’s take a look at the custodians at the park. They are Cast Members. You see, Disneyland workers are not called employees. They are called “cast members”. This is because each person has a role. Playing a part. Just as each land has its own theme, the cast members are themed as well. They have their part in the park. I feel it is a very important part that most people may overlook. These cast members are dressed in white. They stroll all over the park all day long and sweep up any garbage that people drop on the ground. This includes any popcorn the birds didn’t take off with. If they find any gum or anything sticky on the ground, they take care of it right away.

They also wipe down tables and empty the garbage cans. This is a never-ending job. Over and over cleaning up after thousands and thousands of people every day! This can’t be an easy job. But this is why Disneyland is unique-clean!
Be Courteous!
I still remember during our last trip seeing someone throw their garbage on the ground and walk away. The trash can was literally three feet away! I was so upset by that. I have been so tired and in pain from a week-long trip and I still would walk to throw my trash away. Just because they have a cast member to do it doesn’t mean you can’t do your part. There are trash cans everywhere you look in the parks! Recycle cans too. They are never far away. You can help share why Disneyland is unique-clean!

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Disney Temporary Ground Art
If you are lucky enough to be at the right place, the right time, sometimes the custodians will have a bucket and mop and will draw a Disney character on the ground with water. I have seen videos of this and it looks so cool! Unfortunately, I haven’t caught this in person. Yet…
Don’t worry, I won’t go stalking the custodians.
When you visit the park, make sure to say thank you to some of the custodians for making your visit to the parks “magically clean”.
Nighttime Cleaning
During the night, after the parks are closed, the entire park gets cleaned up. Everything gets wiped down, restocked and the streets get pressure washed! I remember as a kid getting to the park in the morning and wondering how was it that the ground was wet when it hadn’t rained? It wasn’t until I was older and reading books on Disneyland that I found out what happens. I was amazed at all the hard work and dedication that goes into the park. Walt Disney was a special man and he came up with a trend of quality and care that many other parks have tried to duplicate over the years.
I hope you enjoyed today’s post. Get to part 2 here. Part 3. Part 4.
Questions or Comments?
If you have any questions or comments on today’s post Why Disneyland is Unique part 1-Clean, feel free to leave them below! I would love to help!
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