Changes to Disneyland Since COVID has happened lately. In this post, I will be sharing some of my thoughts with you as well as some important need to know information about Disneyland. So much has been going on and I have some Disney thoughts. Disneyland is and always will be the Happiest Place on Earth!
Changes to Disneyland Since COVID
Things in the world have been crazy lately. Too crazy! Everyone needs some Disney in their life. As it is said in Peter Pan, “All you need is faith, trust, and a little pixie dust!” Easier said than done. Especially now! However, I am up to the task to share my thoughts and they are not all negative. I will find the positive and share that with you!
Disneyland is Closed
First on Changes to Disneyland Since COVID is that the whole resort has been closed! Something that has not happened before. Well, it has closed for a day here and there for major events. (Check out my post-Times Disneyland has Closed here.) But, this is the longest stretch of time that Disneyland has been closed!
So many emotions have followed the closure of Disneyland. Besides EVERYTHING that has come along with COVID, Disneyland being closed has affected so many people and for so many different reasons too! Cast Members have been out of work, people that go to the park to help fight depression are unable to do that. I think about Peter that visited the park every morning and rode the rides, doing his special claps and sharing his handshake with others while bringing a smile to everyone’s faces.
I also think about the ducks and the birds that are all over the park that usually glean popcorn and bread crumbs, lay eggs, and hatch their babies. How are they doing with all of this? Yes, they are just animals, but they still are there and count on us to lose our snacks.
Missing Disneyland
Next on the Changes to Disneyland Since COVID is missing the sights and sounds of Disneyland. Being that I do not live in California, I am unable to visit the park on a daily basis. Seeing the park every year or two or more! I really hadn’t felt the closure like others who visit the park all the time. However, I have noticed that as the closure drags on, I am feeling sad that the park is not open.
Not being able to hear the music, smell the churros, or ride the rides. Disneyland is so important to so many people! Seeing the smiling Cast Members lining the street in the morning to say good morning. Meeting a Disney character and getting a hug and a photo or going to the Haunted Mansion and meeting the stone-faced Cast Members.
Disneyland makes a huge impression on you while you are at the park. There are so many fun things that happen.
What Will Disneyland Be Like?
Another thing on the list of Changes to Disneyland Since COVID is how the park will be after it reopens? Downtown Disney has reopened and gives us a glimpse as to what will happen. Not to mention, Disney World has been opened and it is very likely that, how they are doing things there in Florida, will be implemented at Disneyland.
For example, temperature checks before you enter Disney property. Just like how they stop and check your bags at the security checkpoint, they will also check your temperature. (The temperature check comes first.) Another example is only allowing so many people in a store at one time and needing a reservation to get in.
While it sounds like a mess, it actually looks quite appealing. Aside from waiting for a return time, being inside with fewer people sounds pretty nice to me. Plenty of elbow room!
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What is Banned
Next on Changes to Disneyland Since COVID is banned items. (Check out my post here for Disneyland Rules and what is not allowed in the park.) Disney has had a list of banned items for years! Although now, there are two items that are not allowed. Being that you have to wear a mask when you are on Disney property, Disney has announced that there are two types of masks that are not allowed. (At the time of this posting.) First is neck gators and the second is any mask with a valve or holes in it.
The reason that neck gators are banned is that Disney feels that it can slip down more easily than the masks that go around your ears. The valve type masks are being discovered to not be very effective at preventing the spread of COVID.
Visiting Disneyland and Forgetting Everyday Problems
Before you go through the tunnel to enter Main Street USA, there is a sign up above. It says “HERE YOU LEAVE TODAY AND ENTER THE WORLD OF YESTERDAY, TOMORROW AND FANTASY.

It is such a true statement! Each time I visit Disneyland I forget about my everyday problems, stress, and concerns. Once you enter Disneyland, you are transported to another place and another time. Riding rides, watching shows, meeting characters, enjoying the food, etc. helps you to forget!
Due to one of the Changes to Disneyland Since COVID, wearing a mask, it may be a lot more difficult to forget about everyday stress. Seeing everyone wearing a mask, not being able to hug a character, and having to be 6 feet away.

At the same time, you will have your own space! Being that you will be 6 feet away and fewer people will be in the park. Personal space! This is a huge plus for me. I never liked being elbow to elbow with a ton of strangers.
I’m Having a Hard Time-Sharing With You
Next on Changes to Disneyland Since COVID is that I’m having a hard time sharing with you. I have been blogging about Disneyland for years now. I love, love, love to write, and share my Disney knowledge, cakes, and tips with you all. Unfortunately, since Disneyland has been closed, it has been more difficult to share these things. Mostly because how does one promote visiting the park and giving travel tips when the park is closed?
I have tried to focus on helping you learn what is in the park, rides, foods, and things like that so you can plan your trip for when the park does open. Also, sharing about the park brings a smile to my face and I hope it does to you too! Thinking about going back to Disneyland and hearing that music as you walk down Main Street. Walking into Pirates of the Caribbean and smelling the musty water and hearing the flute playing with the parrot squawking.

Going to the Tiki Room and watching the birds and flowers sing and put on a show.

Hopping on a flying pirate ship and sailing through Neverland.

Taking a voyage through It’s a Small World and see all the colorful dolls from around the world singing together.

I could go on and on.
And yes, I heard all these attractions in my head as I mentioned them. The power of Disney!
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In Conclusion
While Disneyland will be different when it reopens, it will still be a magical and special time to be in the park. Disneyland has a way of transporting you into a different time and place. To help you forget about the everyday stress that we all have going on. Through all the darkness look for the light and focus on the positive aspects of being in the park. It may not always be easy, but never give up and as Dory says “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”
Questions or Comments
What is your favorite thing to do at Disneyland? Do you have plans to go the Disneyland when it first reopens? What will you do first when the park reopens? Do you have any questions or comments on today’s post-Changes to Disneyland Since COVID? Please feel free to leave them in the comments below. I would love to help!
Thanks for stopping by Life in Mouse Years!
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