Favorite Disneyland ride? is one of the hardest questions for me to answer! There are a few attractions at the park that I have a hard time choosing between. However, today, I would like to share the attraction that I would say is my favorite if I could only choose one. Pirates of the Caribbean!
Favorite Disneyland Ride… Pirates of the Caribbean.
What is your favorite ride or attraction at Disneyland? Everyone, that I discuss Disneyland with always asks me “What is your favorite ride at Disneyland?” My response…. Do I have to pick only one??? For me, it would be impossible to just pick one ride. There are so many rides that I enjoy so much! Ones that hold so many precious memories for me.
One of My Favorites
First, my favorite Disneyland ride is the Pirates of the Caribbean. I always hope and pray that it is up and running when I have a trip planned. Our visit just wouldn’t be complete without it! The sights, sounds, and smells! I would say it is a cool, misty, musty type of smell. Not exactly an enticing description. But, my friend describes it like this: “The mists of an old sea with the ancient winds at her sails.” (I like that description.) I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have come across the smell of this attraction and it brings me right back to being on the ride.
What is Pirates of the Caribbean?
Pirates of the Caribbean is a dark ride. You get to ride in a boat on the water. Following the route, the pirates have taken on their quest to find the treasure! That includes their search for Jack Sparrow. Captain Jack Sparrow that is.

Pirates History
The attraction opened on March 18, 1967. Shortly after Walt Disney had passed away. Pirates of the Caribbean was the last attraction he had worked on.
Pirates of the Caribbean was originally going to be a walkthrough attraction. Which sounds like a cool idea to me. That way you could have been able to take your time going through and looking at all the pirate scenes. However, I feel that making it a ride really enhanced the experience. Slowly floating by on a boat is fun! The air-conditioned building is wonderful on a hot day and it gives your feet a well-deserved rest after walking and standing so much.

Favorite Disneyland Ride Changes
This attraction has undergone many changes over the years. Aside from, numerous additions to enhance the ride as technology advances and new ideas come out, they have changed scenes and added characters throughout the ride.
The first big change that I remember Disneyland doing to Pirates, was when they changed the chase scene to make it more “politically correct”. Instead of the men chasing the woman (with one woman chasing a man) they added trays of food in the hands of some of the women. Also, a couple of women are chasing the men because the men had taken the food. I still (to this day) miss the original scene.
The second change is the addition of Johnny Depp’s character (from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies) Captain Jack Sparrow and also the character Captain Barbossa. While I am partial to the original, I do have to say that it was well done. I feel that adding these characters and the storyline greatly improved the ride experience. Be sure to keep a weather eye open for Captain Jack Sparrow. See if you can spot him throughout the attraction.
Unfortunately, recently Disney has said that they are going to be changing the ride yet again. This time they are going to change the auction scene. Right now the pirates are auctioning off the town’s women. In the new scene, they will be auctioning off loot, and the red-headed woman will be helping with that. Not sure if I will like the change or not. We shall see.
Auction scene inside Pirates of the Caribbean.
Update on New Scene
Finally for my favorite Disneyland ride, is for me to update you on the new auction scene. I have to admit, I do not care for it. I grew up seeing the original scene. Therefore, it is really hard for me to see it differently. I think that if the redhead was silent and not telling the Captain what to do, I think that I could be more ok with the scene. Being that the redhead has a voice throws off the feel of the scene. In my opinion. Other than that, I like the new characters and the building in the background.
In Conclusion
While Pirates is no longer the same as when I was a child, It is still one of my favorite attractions. With so many memories attached to the past versions, and with hopes of new memories to come in the future.
What is your favorite part of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride? What is your favorite Disneyland attraction? Let me know in the comments below.
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