Dining Tips at Refreshment Corner in Disneyland – Life In Mouse Years


Today’s post is Dining Tips at Refreshment Corner in Disneyland. One of many places to grab a bite to eat, this location is Coco-Cola themed! Therefore, I thought that I would share some photos of this dining location as well as some information about the menu.

Dining Tips at Refreshment Corner in Disneyland

Refreshment Corner in Disneyland is a refreshing spot to stop by. 😉 It truly is though!

This dining location is on Main Street. It is the last building on the left if you are coming from the park entrance. It is just before Jolly Holiday Bakery and Cafe.

Dining Tips at Refreshment Corner in Disneyland - Life In Mouse Years
The corner entrance of the Refreshment Corner in Disneyland.

Refreshment Corner is a quick-service counter restaurant. You walk up to the counter to order and get your food. Then you can find a table outside to eat at. This restaurant is in the $14.99 or less category that I featured in my Tips on Dining in Disneyland on a Budget post.

Food Options

Refreshment Corner features American Cuisine. Some examples of what you can get here are Hot Dogs, Mac and Cheese Dog, and Chili Cheese Dog. All of these options come with either sliced apples or chips. Another option is a Hearty Chili that is served in a bread bowl and topped with cheddar cheese.









Dining Tips at Refreshment Corner in Disneyland - Life In Mouse Years
One of the light fixtures.

Refreshment Corner also has snacks that you can get. Like a Mickey-shaped pretzel, Jalapeno cheese-filled pretzel, and a cream cheese filled pretzel. Brownie Bites in a bag are another option. My favorite is the Jalapeno Cheese-filled Pretzel.

Are you hungry yet? I am!

They have a couple of options for the kids as well. A turkey dog that comes with carrots and a small milk or small water. The other option is a Mickey check meal. Which is a Kids power pack that comes with a Danimals smoothie, sliced apples, carrots, petite banana, whole-grain fish crackers and a choice of milk or water.

Does anyone in your party have allergies? This dining location has allergy-friendly offerings. The menu for that is available upon request.

Dining Tips at Refreshment Corner in Disneyland - Life In Mouse Years
A giant Coca-Cola thermometer in the window display.


Refreshment Corner is Coca-Cola themed. Red and white light fixtures above you say Coca-Cola. There are framed Coca-Cola photos on the walls. The entrance that is on the corner of the building has window displays before you enter. They are decorated with old coke items. Such as glass-bottled cokes and coke glasses. It is fun to check out what they have in there to look at.

Dining Tips at Refreshment Corner in Disneyland - Life In Mouse Years
One of the window displays at the Refreshment Corner in Disneyland.


When you go out to find a place to sit, sometimes they will have a ragtime piano player to listen to. It is a treat to hear them play. If you are lucky, you might even get to hear a four-handed piano being played. Now that is something to hear and watch!

For many years Rod Miller played the piano there at the Refreshment Corner. He was/is an awesome piano player. We would stop by every trip when I was growing up. We loved to hear him play. He is also a very nice man!

Unfortunately, he had to retire. His poor fingers were worn out! But I remember him telling us one of the last times we saw him that “It has been the BEST job!” He “got to play the piano in Disneyland with the best view of the fireworks each night.”

In Conclusion

If you stop by the Refreshment Corner, be sure to say hi to whoever is playing. Enjoy the sounds of them tickling the ivories. And don’t forget to grab a coke while you are there!

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to leave a comment or ask a question below.

For the most current information visit Disneylands website here.











About Melisa Rice 182 Articles
Melisa has had a love for Disneyland that started at a very young age. Her family traveled to Disneyland every year or two when she was growing up. As she got older, she began to read anything she could get her hands on regarding Disneyland. If you ask her anything about Disneyland, she is always willing to share her knowledge. As a former Manager of a video store, she has a wealth of knowledge about movies as well. In addition to these experiences, she also loves to take landscape photography, do crafting, bake cakes for her nieces and nephews. But most of all, she enjoys reading the Bible.


  1. Boy, I love the way you tell a story and your writing makes it all sound so exciting and inviting. Makes you want to hop into your car and head to “Disneyland” right now!!!!

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